Late in 1945 with many Spring Grove World War II veterans home again, groundwork was laid for a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post within the borough. On January 22, 1946 Post No. 5265 was formally instituted by White Rose Post 556 of York with 100 charter members. It was named in honor of Private Allen J. Beck, Jr., who was killed in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge, on January 4, 1945.
C. Ernest Bischoff, a veteran of World War I, was named first commander, and meetings were held in the old Fireman's Building. The Ladies Auxiliary was organized on November 12, 1946.
As the ranks swelled, a permanent meeting place was desirable. Land was purchased from Clayton E. Moul and plans were drawn by George Flickinger, architect. The Spring Grove National Bank assisted with finances.
The Post Home was opened in March 1949, and officially dedicated on June 25, 1949. The Honorable James F. Lind, Congressman, delivered the address. A portrait of Allen J. Beck, Jr. was presented by Mrs. Harry W. Hoke and unveiled during the dedication ceremonies.
Through the untiring efforts of the faithful members of the Post, the Auxiliary and patrons, the final debt on the mortgage was paid on June 21, 1966.